Company Structure

Company Structure

Market department

Custom service、attracting cargo、acceptance of import and export goods declaration and inspection commission

Business department

Export division:handling bulk cargo and general cargo export booking、consignment and transit、preparation of documents、signing  B/L on behalf of client and etc.

Import division:  handling import procedures for bulk cargo and general cargo、handling delivery of cargo and exchange B/L、settlement of handover bills  and etc.

Settlement division: freight settlement、B/L release and etc

Shipping department

Handling procedures for the Entry and Exit of Ships and joint inspection at Fujian coastal port;Contacting and arrangement for vessel pilotage 、berthing、 port berth、 loading and unloading operations and cargo supervision.

Account department

Collection and payment of ocean freight on behalf of client; Settlement for customs declaration expense inspection declaration expense and as well as all other  Miscellaneous; vessel voyage bill settlement  and etc.

Personnel ministry

Administration affair management